Memorial Donation - Step 1 - Acknowledgement Information
*Marked values are required.
Step 1 of 3

Who would you like to remember?
Please tell us about the person you would like to remember. This information will appear on the acknowledgement.

Who would you like to receive the acknowledgement?
United Cancer Foundation will process a personal note acknowledging your gift, to the person(s) of your choice, within 24 - 48 hours. After filling out the form below, you can preview the note by clicking the "Preview Acknowledgement" button.
State is only required of US and Canada. Use Address 3 field if your state does not appear in the list below.

Your Name On Acknowledgement
Please tell us how you would like your name to appear on the acknowledgement and create a personalized message. If you wish, you can choose from one of our pre-written messages or personalize one of the pre-written messages in the text box below.
Limit your personal message to 2 or 3 lines (255 characters) to prevent your message from being cut off on the Acknowledgement. Do not use special characters such as #, $, or & as they will harm the printing of your note.

Review acknowledgement or move on to the next step
Please review the acknowledgement by clicking on the "Preview Acknowledgement" button. It is important that the information be accurate to ensure proper delivery. If you are satisfied with the note you can use the "Next" button to move to the next step in the memorial process.